Saturday, May 17, 2008

Spring Time

Here are the most recent pictures of the kids and us.

Sophie is talking so much. You can actually hold conversations with her. Her teachers at school think she is very entertaining as well. They always leave us notes about funny things she does while there.

Ava (and Sophie too) just keeps getting cuter and cuter. She is mostly sitting up now. She still falls over if she leans too far back or too far to the side, but is getting more steady every day. I can already tell she is going to be silly like Sophie. It's fun to see them laughing together. Sophie can make Ava laugh much easier than Jeremy and I can. I can already tell they are going to be great friends.

Just a quick update on Jeremy and I. Not much has changed with us. We are still working on losing weight, but it has slowed down a bit now. Jeremy has lost 40 pounds and I've lost 20. I would like to lose 15 more and Jeremy would like to lose another 10. We will do it, slowly but surely. Jeremy has started running again, after a 2-3 month break. I might take up running as well, haven't decided for sure yet. I need to buy some running shoes first. Jeremy ran the Detroit marathon a year and a half ago. How cool would that be to run it together?! We are looking forward to warmer weather so we can spend some time up at my parents cabin. I think Sophie is at a good age now and will be able to enjoy the lake more. I'm excited to see how she likes the boat, too.

Sophie and Grandma Griswold

Don't you just love those two front teeth?!

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