Sunday, October 7, 2007

She's finally here!

Ava Patrice
All I can say is, WOW! Labor started just a few hours after the last post, at about 2:30 pm. Jeremy and I went to the hospital about 5:15 pm and I gave birth at 7:41 pm. We were going to wait another hour before heading to the hospital because the contractions weren't very painful. Things progressed really fast, good thing I didn't wait! Ava Patrice was born on September 27th. She weighed 8lb 4oz and was 19 inches long. I didn't realize how much I missed having a baby until now. Ava is so precious and looks so much like Sophie did when she was born. I've even called her Sophie by mistake a few times.

We got home on Saturday (9/29) at 4pm. Everyone is doing great. Of course it's been very busy with two little ones. I'm very fortunate Jeremy took 2 weeks off of work to help out while we all get settled in. Sophie is adjusting well, too. She doesn't pay much attention to the baby, but has been saying "mine" all the time.
If anyone wants to stop by and visit, just give us a call to let us know the day and time. We're up for company at any time.


pb said...

Ooops..I meant to comment on this post..She is just beautiful :) Congratulations!!!!!

Unknown said...

She is so precious! Look at that little baby bottom, awww. I miss little babies!