Saturday, September 22, 2007

Let's get this Bloody Show on the road!

So I've been losing small pieces of my "mucus plug" for the past few weeks. Tonight I had some Bloody Show! The "bloody show" usually appears with the "mucus plug". For those of you who would like more of an explanation, the mucus plug seals your cervix and as you begin to dilate you lose pieces of it. The loss of your mucus plug doesn't mean labor will start soon as it can still be weeks away. BUT, having bloody show with it generally means there's a good chance labor will start in the next 24-48 hours. However, this is not always the case (which is just bloody great). Just one more thing to get me excited. We'll see if anything happens in the next couple of days....

Hope I didn't gross anyone out too much. :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yeah for the bloody show!!! You didn't gross me out at all! I think anyone who has had kids knows just how bloody exciting those final signs are!!! :) Keep on keeping us posted!