Thursday, September 27, 2007

Last update... I hope!

I just got back from my weekly appointment. I’m now 70% effaced and dilated to almost 4. The doctor said my bag of water is bulging, so it could break at any time. My water broke with Sophie before the contractions started, so I’m hoping the same thing will happen this time. At least then it’s a sure thing that the baby is coming, no guessing! My doctor did a membrane sweep today (something that I didn’t have with the last pregnancy). We’re hoping that will get some contractions going and kick start labor. She scheduled me to come back Monday morning for a checkup (given I haven’t already had the baby), and will schedule an induction for Tuesday. I really don’t want to be induced so hopefully nature will take its course before then. The next post should have pictures of the new baby, finally!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Let's get this Bloody Show on the road!

So I've been losing small pieces of my "mucus plug" for the past few weeks. Tonight I had some Bloody Show! The "bloody show" usually appears with the "mucus plug". For those of you who would like more of an explanation, the mucus plug seals your cervix and as you begin to dilate you lose pieces of it. The loss of your mucus plug doesn't mean labor will start soon as it can still be weeks away. BUT, having bloody show with it generally means there's a good chance labor will start in the next 24-48 hours. However, this is not always the case (which is just bloody great). Just one more thing to get me excited. We'll see if anything happens in the next couple of days....

Hope I didn't gross anyone out too much. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Not for nothing....

Okay, so those stabbing vagina pains weren't for nothing, but not the progress I was hoping for. I'm now 50% effaced, but still dilated to 3. The baby is still head down but is now in the posterior position. That would explain why I woke up last night with lower back pain and still have it. So we'll keep walking in the evening. Maybe that will help move things along.

My mom wants the baby to be born in October so her mothers ring can also double as a grandmas ring. Ethan is a December baby (as is Sophie) and I'm an October baby. My due date is October 3rd and Sophie was only 2 days early. Mom - You just might have that October grandbaby after all!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Okay, here we go...

Tracy and Erin have inspired me to do a blog of my own. My goal is to get hubby to write some of the posts. We'll see how that works out. In the meantime, I'll post a few pictures of Sophie and give a little pregnancy update.

Our second princess is due exactly two weeks from today, but I'm predicting she'll be here in the next week. Erin has also predicted this is the week. So everyone pull for me! This pregnancy has been much more uncomfortable than the last. Those stabbing vagina pains have been killing me the last two days. Hopfully that means my cervix is thinning out more. We'll see what the doc says at my appointment tomorrow morning. Last week I was 30% effaced and dilated to 3. So cross your fingers that I've made some more progress. I'll give a quick update tomorrow.

Sophie is getting so big. She has such a fun and silly personality. She's always making us laugh. She settled nicely into her new bedroom and princess number two will have Sophie's old room. We thought the big sister should have the bigger room. Sophie knows there is a baby in mom's belly, but I don't think she really understands what's coming. After all, she does point to her own belly and says "baby". Hehe. I know she'll be a great big sister and the girls will be best friends!