Monday, November 24, 2008

A few updates

We usually take the girls to mall's play area a few times a month. Now that it's cold outside I'm sure I'll take them more often. Sophie and Ava both love to play there.

I remember when I first had Ava I thought having two kids was a piece of cake, busier but that's okay. I like busy. Then Ava got mobile and everything changed. Now I spend a good portion of my day pulling them off each other. Ava not quite old enough to "play" with Sophie, but wanting to be by her all the time. Sophie not wanting Ava by her. I hear it's normal, but it gets very frustrating....sigh. BUT, they were actually playing together a little bit yesterday. Sophie was putting her play blood pressure cuff on Ava, and Ava was holding her arm out laughing. It was so cute! I look forward to more of these moments and less fighting.

Sophie put on her snowpants for the first time yesterday to play outside in the snow, even though it's mostly melted now. She loves to eat snow. Right before coming inside she found a clean spot of snow in the center of the yard and made a snowball. Then she brought the snowball in and put it in a bowl so she could eat it. Silly girl!

Ava loves to climb in, under, on or through anything she can. I see her fun personality showing through more everyday. She's still not walking, but that's okay. Sophie started walking around 14 months and Ava is just a few days shy of 14 months. So I imagine it will be soon. Ava does walk around with her stroller and shopping cart. She just hasn't taken off by herself yet. Soon enough, I know. :)

My best friend Danielle (since the 9th grade) is having her first baby. It's a boy! I (along with her sister) hosted her baby shower at my house a few weeks ago. It went great. The nursery will have a puppy dog theme, so that is the theme we used for the shower. Here are a few pics of Danielle and the cute cakes. Melissa - your cakes taste better! I miss having you here already!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Thanks for the update! The girls are as adorable as ever! So cute that they are starting to play together a little bit. I can't wait for those days! Can't wait to see you guys soon! :)