Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I designed a card to send out, but never got a chance to print and mail them. So here it is. Hope every one had a Merry Christmas! I'll try to send out Valentine's Day cards to makeup for it.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ava is.....

WALKING! Of course she's been walking with furniture and her toys for months now. I knew it would be soon. I think she could have done it quite some time ago, she just didn't have the confidence yet. But she finally took off on her own Tuesday night. What a good Christmas present! She will be 15 months tomorrow.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Movie Time!

Last weekend Sophie and I went to see Bolt. It was a 3D movie, so they gave us glasses to wear. This wasn't Sophie's first movie (maybe her 3rd or 4th), but it's been awhile since she's been to one. This time went much better than the rest. I think it's the first time we watched the whole thing. AND she sat through the whole thing! She looked so cute wearing her 3D glasses. The glasses are pretty big, almost too big for adults so they looked really big on her. But she looked so cute in them! About 20 minutes into the movie Sophie says "I want that dog! She (referring to the girl in the movie) can have my dog." Poor Minnie, I promise we won't trade you in. LOL.

At the movie. Not the best picture. I keep telling her a natural smile is much better than a fake one, but she doesn't quite understand how to do it yet. :)

Sophie being silly after the movie.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sophie Says....

I wanted to write down some of the funny things Sophie says. Because I know I will most likely not remember them later. And they are just too cute and funny to not remember.

This one happened last Spring, but is still one of my favorites. Sophie recognizes landmarks now, so she knows where different stores and houses are. Everytime we turn on our street she says "Here's our neighborhood". Just preping the story a little. So one day the little girl, Emily, that lives behind us was in our backyard (with her mom) playing with Sophie and Sophie's sidewalk chalk. It was time to go in and make dinner and Emily wanted to take the chalk home. I said she could take a piece. Of course Sophie didn't like that Emily was taking a piece of her chalk. As Emily and her mom turned around to go home, Sophie says "Go home, this is my neighborhood!".


The other day Jeremy was getting ready to go for a run. As he's about to walk out the door, Sophie says "Look for cars!". Isn't it sweet how she watches out for her dad!


Ava is going through a phase of screaming, and of course it's a really high pitched, annoying scream. Sophie likes to copy to her, and I'm always telling them not to scream inside, to use quiet voices. Normally I give Sophie time outs when she doesn't listen, and she gets confused as to why Ava keeps screaming and doesn't get a time out. So I explained to ther that Ava is too little for time outs and that when she gets a little bigger she will have them too.

Sophie says, "And I will keep putting her up there, and putting her up there, and tell her time starts over".

Yes, sometimes Sophie likes to get down from her time out chair and we have to put her back and start the time over. So that's where it came from. Too funny!


This one just happened this morning.

Sophie: I just washed my face.
Mom: How did you wash it?
Sophie: I got toilet paper wet.
Mom: Where did you get the water?
Sophie: From the toilet.

Oh, yes. This was a proud moment. I did of course explain to her that we never use toilet water, it's very very dirty. We only use water from the sink. Still funny though. Grandma Sally - I'm sure you are freaking out reading this one. And no, I cannot bleach Sophie's mouth. Love you! :)


And here are Sassy Sophie's new lines for when she is upset about not getting her way.

"Don't talk to me" (with arms crossed)

"I don't like you" (with hands on hips) Then I say, "Well I LOOOOVE you". Sophie says, "No, I don't love you". And we go back and forth. It eventually makes her laugh.

"Get out, I don't want you in here" (sitting on the floor in her room)

And when Sophie is pouty (sp?) I say, "Don't smile it will crack your face." It always makes her smile! That is the line my mom used on me when I was little.

She seems too young to be this sassy already!

I know there are more things I'm not thinking of. I will post more when I think of them. I just don't want to forget these precious moments.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A few cute pics...

Sisterly Love

Sophie putting a barrett in Ava's hair.