Friday, August 1, 2008

How could I forget THIS !?!

Sophie is potty trained! Sophie first used the potty November of 2007, then lost interest. I thought she was on her way to being potty trained again several months ago. She went like 4 days with only a couple accidents. But at that time we had her in pull-ups. Then she got sick and lost all interest, and has had little interest in using the potty ever since. Because she had done it before, I knew she could do it. So beginning last Friday, I said no more diapers (day or night), not even pull-ups. Friday and Saturday she went in her pants almost every time. Sunday she only had a couple accidents. And since then, she's only had one or two accidents. And believe it or not, she only wet the bed at night two times. I thought night time would be harder. So it does get better! You just have to be dedicated, and not go anywhere the first few days. And I think my big mistake in the past was using pull-ups. It gives them a crutch. My little piece of advice from what I've learned, if you're really serious about potty training, do it when you don't have to go anywhere for several days, put them in undies, and get out the mop! No more diapers for Sophie, yeah!


Grandma Griswold said...

Yea, Sophia!! What a big girl!

Tracy said...

Isn't it great to be diaper free! one down one to go... we're in the same boat!! I totally agree about your advice its the only way to go. :)