Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's Halloween!

I was worried Sophie would have a fit about wearing her costume. As you can see it's a bit elaborate. But she was a real trooper! Her school is right next to a strip mall, so they had a parade during the day and walked to each store so the kids could trick-or-treat. After school we went to my grandma's house (Ava and Sohpie's great-grandma). Sophie played with her older cousin Erika who she adores. And their cousin Kendall (who is 4 months older than Ava) was also there dressed as a lion. Then in the evening we handed out candy at home and visited our neighbors. It was a long day but Sophie had so much fun, and of course she enjoyed the candy!

Ava is getting so big already. She's awake much more during the day, and smiling all the time now. While she still looks a lot like Sophie did as a baby, she's starting to look like her own person.

1 comment:

Grandma Griswold said...

Thanks so much for posting the pictures. I couldn't quite picture that costume. How adorable! It looks like you all had a wonderful Halloween.

I especially love the picture of Ava with her big smile.

Can't wait to see you all.

Grandma & Grandpa G