Friday, June 5, 2009


Here are a few random pics from the last 5 months. One of Ava wearing cousin Braeden's toolbelt. Sophie and I went to see Playhouse Disney Live. I had a Mickey Mouse pillow dress made for her. She looked so cute, and we had so much fun! Sophie and Ava also had their picture taken at a professional studio for the first time, rather than just Sears. Paris Studios liked one of Sophie so much they put it in their front window. I'm a proud mom of course.

Sophie's 3rd Birthday

Okay, so this is OLD news. She turned 3 back in December, almost 6 months ago. But I'm trying to get the blog caught up. Her party was at Chuck E Cheese - one of her favorite places. We had a pizza theme, and her cake was decorated to look like a pizza. It turned out so cute, and tasted yummy too! Here are some of my favorite pictures from her party.

Getting ready for her party.

The Pizza Cake

Blowing out her candles.