Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hoppy Easter!

Here are some pics of us coloring eggs, and Sophie at an Easter egg hunt. Sophie got a new bike and also her first set of play-doh in her Easter basket. She loves the play-doh! And it's not as messy as I imagined, so that was a pleasant surprise.

Sophie is doing really well with potty training! She tells us when she's "going" potty. Usually it means she has to go, but sometimes she tells us AS she's going, so no matter how fast we get her there it's too late. But it's getting better by the day. Her pull up diaper is staying dry a good part of the day now. Go, Sophie!

Ava is 6 months old already! I can hardly believe it. She's still a really happy baby, and doing really well with solid food. Ava likes baby food much more than Sophie did.

We are SO looking forward to warm weather! We went for a walk last night and it was a nice 50 degrees or so. But 60 or 70 would be really good!

Jeremy and I have a new nephew, and a new cousin for Sophie and Ava! Cole Griswold was born on Thursday, March, 27th. He was 8lbs 8ozs and almost 21 inches long. He's so cute! We can't wait to visit him this coming week. Ben & Erin Griswold are the proud parents and of course we can't forget about big brother Braeden! Love you guys!

Jeremy and I are still doing well with eating healthy and losing weight. Jeremy has lost about 30 lbs and I've lost 17. We've now decided to go vegetarian for awhile, just to change things up a bit. And not crazy vegan. We're just giving up meat and eggs for a few months, and making the switch to soy milk. Who knows, maybe we'll like it?!