Thursday, January 31, 2008

We're Back!

I know it's been a long time since I last posted! All my pictures are on my laptop and it wasn't connecting to the network or internet for some reason. But Jeremy fixed it, yeah Jeremy! So much has happened since the last post. Sophie turned two years old on December 16th. She had a puppy dog themed party. My cousin (and future business partner?!) made her cake. It's a dog and an adorable bowl of "food". The food is really cocoa puff cereal. It was soooo cute!! Thanks, Melissa! Sophie blew out her candle like a champ, then said "again, again". I admit we did practice the week before her birthday. She loves the birthday song, too.

Christmas was fun. Sophie still isn't very interested in opening presents. But, Grandpa did get her a really cool present, a pink 22 rifle. Yes, it's real! It will stay in Grandpa's gun cabinet until she's old enough to go shooting with him. I just thought it was too cute! If a gun can be cute? :)
My brother, Ethan, is graduating this year! Time goes by way too fast! He will most likely be going to either FSU or MSU. I'm so proud of you! I included a picture of him and his girlfriend. They will be going to different colleges and I know will miss each other so much!

Sophie had an ear infection last month and now Ava has one. Poor things! Sophie is talking SO much! It's fun to see them both grow. Ava is a really happy baby, always smiling. Evenings have been nice lately now that Ava is on a regular sleep schedule. Jeremy and I finally have our nights back. Both kids are in bed at 8pm. But, no time to relax, off to work we go!

Jeremy and I started "dieting" exactly 4 weeks ago. I've lost 10.5 lbs. and Jeremy's lost 13 lbs. So far so good, and hopefully this will lead to long term healthy eating habits for us and our kids. Making a healthy dinner definitely requires a lot more prep work. I've never cut so many fruits and vegetables!

We are going to Boston the beginning of March for the On Demand expo. It's a digital printing expo. We're finally taking the big step of actually investing some money into my business. Things are really starting to take off, it's very exciting! Thank you to my mom and Brooke for watching the kids while we go away!
I can't believe Erin is almost done with her pregnancy, due the end of March. To Erin - I was just thinking when you had Braeden almost 3 years ago, Jeremy and I were in Thailand. Maybe we'll have a trend and you'll go into labor when Jeremy and I are in Boston!